Back to Schools!
The autumn term is now well underway and Reading Matters is busy delivering training and improving the reading skills of children and young people at schools all over the country. This term we are also venturing abroad for the first time! We are delighted to have been asked to deliver two days of secondary Reading Leaders training in a school in Holland. Diane will travel to the International School of the Hague at the beginning of October to train their older pupils to be reading role models for the younger ones. We look forward to hearing all about it!
‘Fink’ You’d Like to Engage Children in More Conversation?
We proudly launched the Reading Matters’ Fink conversation cards at our conference back in July. These cards use themes such as reading, books and stories to stimulate conversations with children. Fink cards were originally developed by their founder, Lisa Warner, as a way of preventing her four children from arguing at the dinner table! Their use expands vocabulary and improves language, listening and communication skills. On Tuesday the 22nd of September from 1-2pm there will be a live twitter discussion with Lisa Warner and Amy Mortimer from Reading Matters to discuss the cards. You can join in at #finkchat. From Monday the 21st of September the Reading Matters’ Fink cards will be available to buy on our website for £14.99.
Napoleons raise money for Reading Matters
We would like to sincerely thank Napoleons Casino in Bradford for donating the proceeds from their charity ball, which was held on June 26, to Reading Matters. The cheque for a fantastic £882 was collected this week. Pictured below are Jane Dodd, the General Manager of Napoleons (left) with Rachel Kelly, the Chief Executive of Reading Matters.
Save the date!
The date for next year’s fundraising Gala Dinner has now been set for Saturday the 14th of May. More details will follow soon but, for now, just make sure that you save the date as it’s an event that you definitely don’t want to miss!
Happy Reading!
From the team at Reading Matters
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